SIR30216 Certificate III in Retail

This Course is Centrelink Approved for Student Payments
Qualifications in retail provide a pathway to work in a diverse range of retail settings including specialty retailers, supermarkets, department stores and quick service restaurants.
Qualified individuals will be able to perform roles such as frontline sales assistant, customer services representative, shop assistant, retail supervisor, team leader and senior sales assistant.
The SIR30216 Certificate III in Retail provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent in retail operations. Work would be undertaken in various retail store settings, such as specialty stores, supermarkets, department stores and retail fast food outlets.
​The SIR30216 Certificate III in Retail will provide students with training to prepare for roles in a variety of retail settings. The qualification has 13 units of competence – 8 Core and 5 electives.
How the course works
Students enrolling in this program must be working full-time or part-time in a retail store. For those in a full-time traineeship, the student is to work 30 or more hours per week and for those in a part-time traineeship, the student is to work a minimum of 15 hours per week. A trainer and assessor visit the student in the workplace over the course of their traineeship. In addition to the face-to-face learning support, students’ progress and learning support needs will be monitored via telephone/email contact in between workplace visits.
This course is also available as a School Based Traineeship for Year 10, 11 and 12 high school students. A school-based traineeship combines paid work, training and school with a nationally recognised qualification, whilst gaining credit toward the HSC. Please ask Benchmark College for more information or visit
Practical and work-related activities designed to allow each student the opportunity to apply their learning in a real work environment are undertaken. These activities will vary, e.g. research an organisational policy and procedure, watch a colleague complete a task, buddy with a colleague on a workplace project or gain experience in undertaking a particular activity.
Students enrolling in this program are required to attend class 2 days per week from 9:00am – 4:00pm. The remaining 3 days are dedicated to self-directed learning and assessment activities. Students are also required to attend 4 weeks of work experience.
This program includes training delivery and a range of interactive activities designed to build student’s underpinning knowledge and develop competence in each unit. Students will also get the opportunity to practice and apply their learning by practicing key skills such as communication, problem solving, teamwork and prioritising.
Work Experience
Classroom students participate in work experience. This provides students with an opportunity to:
Practice newly learnt skills and apply theory learnt in the classroom in the workplace.
Build the skills that are required of the training package.
Increase confidence and show individuals they are ready for work.
Benchmark College will organise work experience for all classroom-based students and will provide insurance and support in the workplace. Students will be buddied with an experienced employee and will be visited in the workplace by a Trainer. Students on work experience are given a range of activities to guide their learning and practice the key skills required to become work ready.
Students are required to complete 2, ten-day work experience blocks – Monday to Friday – 38 hours per week. Start and finish times may vary depending on the Host Employer.
Students must provide & wear appropriate retail clothing whilst on work experience. Travel to and from the Host Employer is the student’s responsibility.
Self-directed learning and assessment activities – All students
Self-directed learning activities may vary from reading a textbook to online learning and research. Workplace-based/ traineeship students can expect to dedicate approximately 8 hours per week to self-directed learning and assessment task completion; or approximately 16hrs (3 days) per week for classroom-based students.
To ensure that students are safe and work ready, they will need to complete a range of assessment tasks that include answering questions, analysing case studies and completing practical work-based tasks. Trainers will also observe students perform a range of skills in the workplace, or the classroom and on work experience for classroom-based students.
Course pre-requisites and suitability
This course is designed for students who are wanting to enter various industries and who have no Business experience.
The course has no pre-requisite requirements although students will need to have a Unique Student Identifier and have passed our language literacy and numeracy quiz.
To complete the self-directed learning component, access to the internet and a computer is also required.
Can I get credit for previous study?
If students have previously completed a Nationally Recognised Qualification or Course they need let us know at application by providing a transcript and completing the relevant Verification and Consent Form. We will then look to see if any units listed in the transcript can be credited towards the qualification.
Fees and charges
The cost for the classroom-based course is $1450.00 (first qualification fee) if eligible for and accessing a government subsidised place. Students eligible for a concession are required to pay $240.00 This fee covers enrolment, tuition and learning resources. Fees must be paid in accordance with the Fee Schedule. To review our terms and conditions check out our Fees and Charges Policy and Procedure and our Refund Policy and Procedure available at
Note: This Training is subsidised by the NSW Government. For more information on NSW Government funding (including concessions and fee-free scholarships), and to check eligibility, please visit or call 1300 722 104.
Where can I find more information?
We encourage students to visit the student section of our website to view all relevant policies and procedures.
Ready to enrol?
Enrol filling this form Apply now.
Still have questions? Contact one of our friendly staff members by phone on 1800 286 916 or email - we are waiting to hear from you!